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When it comes to promoting Pay Later in your marketing, such as your vendor leave-behind brochures, website, socials and emails, it’s important that you get the words right.

We want you to communicate in your own voice and be true to your brand. However, there are a few straightforward guidelines you must go by when bringing us up in interactions with clients.

Here is a list of approved messages that you can use to promote Pay Later and its benefits across your marketing. You can download these assets and then add them to your emails, website and socials. When using our company name, you should always refer to us as ‘CampaignAgent’. Don't forget! CampaignAgents Pay Later is a financial product so you will need to add a disclaimer when promoting Pay Later to your vendors .

Vendor Flyers (updated on 01/07/2024)

Our top-tier creative team has crafted marketing flyers, and other need to know content for your brand to use when your vendor needs to know more about CampaignAgents Pay Now, Pay Later VPA, PMPay and DepositNow products.

To download a PDF flyer, simply click on the image.

Vendor Flyer - VPA

VPA Vendor Flyer

Vendor Flyer - VPA - Things You Should Know


Vendor Flyer - Home Preparation Loans


Vendor Flyer - DepositNow


Landlord Flyer - PMPay

PMPay Vendor Flyer

Vendor Landing page - DepositPay


Vendor Payment Panel

Support your vendors by downloading and integrating the 'How to Pay Your Marketing Expenses' payment panel into your marketing schedules.



Print On Demand

We’re dedicated to supporting our clients, in addition to helping the environment. That’s why we’ve partnered with Neo, the leading print house in Melbourne, to provide you with an on-demand, self-service printing platform.


Order what you need, and the team at Neo will print, trim and deliver direct to you.

Select the vendor collateral you need, supply your details, make payment and before you know it, you’ll have what you need to support and empower your vendors, while growing your bottom line.

Agency / Agent Only Flyers (updated on 01/07/2024)

The following flyers are designed for Agency / Agents only. They have been developed specifically to provide you in information you need when using the suite of CampaignAgent products.

 Please do not provide these to vendors.

Anything But Ordinary

Agent Only Brochure


Agent Only Flyer - VPA


Agent Only Flyer - PMPay

Application Checklist

VPAPay Application Checklist

(Agency use only)

Before you start submitting VPAPay applications, it can help to get a few things in order. Please ensure you download our helpful VPAPay application checklist prior to submitting VPAPay applications.

CampaignAgent Brandmark

Our logo is central to our brand and to how we show up in the world. It is important that we treat it with respect. There are strict guidelines to abide by when using our symbol and wordmark together. Staying consistent within these limits helps maintain brand integrity. By following the guidelines, we will have a cohesive brand. Below you will find treatments and effects to avoid.


Social Media Banners

Leverage the power of your social media platforms to remind your customers about the incredible benefits of Pay Now, Pay Later. Enhance your marketing efforts by using our pre-designed frames that come with our approved messaging.

These frames will not only attract more sales but also leave a lasting impression on your audience. Download the assets now and personalise them with your own brand images to create a truly unique experience for your customers. Get started today and unlock the potential of CampaignAgent.


Stories and posts are great for calling out special offers and promoting the fact that you now offer Pay Now, Pay Later. 

Introducing the CampaignAgent partnership

Tell customers you now offer Pay Now, Pay Later

Tell Customers about Pay Later

CA_Social_post_Defer_Your_Marketing _1080x1080
CA_Social_post_Put_Your_Property_In_The_Spotlight _1080x1080

Including Tags

Increase awareness by tagging @campaignagent, #PayNowPayLater and #CampaignAgent so vendors can see your posts and stories.

Here is some sample copy you can use in your posts.

Pay Later

Super excited to share that you can now pay later for your marketing and staging costs with our partner CampaignAgent. Enjoy the flexibility of paying for your marketing and staging once your property has reached settlement* #YOURBRAND #CampaignAgent #PayNowPayLater


Yay! We’ve partnered with CampaignAgent so you can now have even more financial freedom to pay your way when selling your property. Ask us how you can pay for your marketing and staging once your property has reached settlement* #YOURBRAND #CampaignAgent #PayNowPayLater

We’ve partnered with CampaignAgent! If you’re thinking of selling your property, but don’t have the finds for your marketing and staging, we can help! Talk to us today!
#YOURBRAND #CampaignAgent #PayNowPayLater

*Pay Later repayment is due on the earlier of settlement, 6 months, early deposit release, or withdrawal from sale. Visit for full terms.


Pay Later Banners
